About Barry Hurter Inc. Attorneys in Roodepoort, a legal practice firm.
About Barry Hurter Inc. Attorneys in Roodepoort
Barry Hurter Inc. Attorneys in Roodepoort is a great law firm which is based in Roodepoort. Find all areas of specialisations that Barry Hurter Inc. Attorneys in Roodepoort specialises on below:
Barry Hurter Inc. Attorneys in Roodepoort specialises in the following areas:
Children Access Rights, Adoption, Anti-discrimination, Arbitration, Bail Law, Business Law, Childrens Rights, Civil, Collections, Commercial, Commercial Drafting, Company Law, Company Registrations, Competition Law, Construction, Consumer Law, Contracts, Corporate, Credit Law, Criminal, Custody, Debt Collections, Deceased Estates, Divorce and Mediation Matters, Domestic Partnerships, Drunk Driving, Emotional Will, Employment Law and Labour Matters (CCMA), Estates, Evictions, Family Law, Fraud, Joint Ventures and Acquisitions , Labour Law, Leases, Liquidation, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (Commercial), Litigation (Corporate), Litigation (Criminal), Litigation (General), Matrimonial, Mediation, Professional Ethics, Professional negligence, Rehabilitation Orders, Rehabilitations, Shareholders Agreements, Wills
In order to contact Barry Hurter Inc. Attorneys in Roodepoort, use the following details:
- Region: Gauteng / Johannesburg
- Address: 97 Leadwood Street, Rangeview, Extension 4, Krugersdorp, Johannesburg, Gauteng
- Email: barry@barryhurterattorneys.co.za
- Website: www.barryhurterattorneys.co.za
- Contacts: +27 (0)11 027 6735 / 082 050 7431
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