Charl Lochner Attorneys in Pretoria

About Charl Lochner Attorneys in Pretoria, a legal practice firm.

About Charl Lochner Attorneys in Pretoria

Charl Lochner Attorneys in Pretoria is a great law firm which is based in Moot. Find all areas of specialisations that Charl Lochner Attorneys in Pretoria specialises on below:


Charl Lochner Attorneys in Pretoria specialises in the following areas:
Children Access Rights, Adoption, Antenuptial Contracts, Childrens Rights, Civil, Civil Unions, Collections, Constitutional, Contracts, Criminal, Curatorship / Curator Bonis, Custody, Deceased Estates, Divorce and Mediation Matters, Domestic Partnerships, Emotional Will, Estates, Family Law, Fostering, High Court Practice, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (Criminal), Litigation (General), Litigation (High Court), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Maintenance, Matrimonial, Mediation, Partnership Agreements, Surrogacy Law, Wills



In order to contact Charl Lochner Attorneys in Pretoria, use the following details:

  • Region: Gauteng / Pretoria
  • Address: 135 Codonia Avenue, Moregloed, Pretoria
  • Email:
  • Website:
  • Contacts: 076 682 0792 / 082 378 7703

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