Githiri Correia Christie Incorporated in Benoni

About Githiri Correia Christie Incorporated in Benoni, a legal practice firm.

About Githiri Correia Christie Incorporated in Benoni

Githiri Correia Christie Incorporated in Benoni is a great law firm which is based in Benoni. Find all areas of specialisations that Githiri Correia Christie Incorporated in Benoni specialises on below:


Githiri Correia Christie Incorporated in Benoni specialises in the following areas:
Children Access Rights, Administrative Law, Adoption, Antenuptial Contracts, Arbitration, Association Agreements, Bills of Legal Costs, Business Law, Childrens Rights, Civil, Collections, Commercial, Commercial Drafting, Company Law, Company Registrations, Contracts, Conveyancing, Corporate, Criminal, Curatorship / Curator Bonis, Custody, Debt Collections, Deceased Estates, Divorce and Mediation Matters, Domestic Partnerships, Domestic Violence, Drunk Driving, Employment Law and Labour Matters (CCMA), Evictions, Family Law, General Law Practice, Government Tenders, High Court Practice, Immigration / Emigration, Insolvency, Joint Ventures and Acquisitions , Labour Law, Leases, Liquidation, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (Commercial), Litigation (Corporate), Litigation (Criminal), Litigation (General), Litigation (High Court), Litigation (Insurance), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Maintenance, Matrimonial, Municipal Law, MVA / Motor Vehicle Accident Claims, Notary / Notaries Public, Partnership Agreements, Patents, Permanent and Temporary Residence Permits, Property Law, Sequestrations, Servitudes, Shareholders Agreements, Trusts, Wills, Work and Study Permits



In order to contact Githiri Correia Christie Incorporated in Benoni, use the following details:

  • Region: Gauteng / Johannesburg
  • Address: 33 Lakefield Avenue, Lakefield Office Park , Lakefield , Benoni
  • Email:
  • Website: Coming Soon
  • Contacts: 063 699 4419 / 063 699 4419

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