About Hennie van der Walt Attorneys in Centurion, a legal practice firm.
About Hennie van der Walt Attorneys in Centurion
Hennie van der Walt Attorneys in Centurion is a great law firm which is based in Centurion. Find all areas of specialisations that Hennie van der Walt Attorneys in Centurion specialises on below:
Hennie van der Walt Attorneys in Centurion specialises in the following areas:
Association Agreements, Bills of Legal Costs, Blacklistings, Business Law, Childrens Rights, Civil, Collections, Commercial, Commercial Drafting, Consumer Law, Contracts, Credit Law, Divorce and Mediation Matters, Domestic Violence, Employee Benefits, Employment Law and Labour Matters (CCMA), Evictions, Family Law, General Law Practice, High Court Practice, Labour Law, Leases, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (Commercial), Litigation (General), Litigation (High Court), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Matrimonial, Partnership Agreements, Sale of Business, Shareholders Agreements, Wills
In order to contact Hennie van der Walt Attorneys in Centurion, use the following details:
- Region: Gauteng / Pretoria
- Address: First Floor, Phase 2, Centurion Science Park, 1011 Pretorius Avenue, Lyttleton Manor, Centurion, Pretoria.
- Email: info@hvdlaw.co.za
- Website: www.hvdlaw.co.za
- Contacts: 0861 444 485 / 071 348 1558
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