About Knoetze Law Inc. in Bellville, a legal practice firm.
About Knoetze Law Inc. in Bellville
Knoetze Law Inc. in Bellville is a great law firm which is based in Bellville / Durbanville. Find all areas of specialisations that Knoetze Law Inc. in Bellville specialises on below:
Knoetze Law Inc. in Bellville specialises in the following areas:
Antenuptial Contracts, Association Agreements, Business Law, Civil, Commercial, Commercial Drafting, Company Law, Company Registrations, Consumer Law, Contracts, Conveyancing, Corporate, Deceased Estates, Divorce, Due Diligence Audits, Employment Equity, Estates, Family Law, Insolvency, Leases, Liquidation, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (High Court), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Maintenance, Matrimonial, Notary / Notaries Public, Partnership Agreements, Property Law, Rehabilitation Orders, Rehabilitations, Sale of Business, Sectional Title, Sequestrations, Servitudes, Shareholders Agreements, Trusts, Wills
In order to contact Knoetze Law Inc. in Bellville, use the following details:
- Region: Western Cape / Cape Town
- Address: Unit 8, Canal Edge 4, Fountain Road, Tyger Waterfront, Bellville
- Email: lknoetze@lklaw.co.za
- Website: www.lklaw.co.za
- Contacts: 021 912 6002 / 0823305022
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