Salijee Govender Van der Merwe Incorporated in Parktown, Johannesburg

About Salijee Govender Van der Merwe Incorporated in Parktown, Johannesburg, a legal practice firm.

About Salijee Govender Van der Merwe Incorporated in Parktown, Johannesburg

Salijee Govender Van der Merwe Incorporated in Parktown, Johannesburg is a great law firm which is based in Melville. Find all areas of specialisations that Salijee Govender Van der Merwe Incorporated in Parktown, Johannesburg specialises on below:


Salijee Govender Van der Merwe Incorporated in Parktown, Johannesburg specialises in the following areas:
Administrative Law, Arbitration, Black Empowerment, Commercial, Contracts, Corporate, Employee Benefits, Employee Share Incentive Schemes, Employment Equity, Employment Law and Labour Matters (CCMA), Forensic Investigations, Labour Law, Litigation (Commercial), Local Government Law, Mediation, Municipal Law, Partnership Agreements, Pensions and Retirement Funds, Shareholders Agreements



In order to contact Salijee Govender Van der Merwe Incorporated in Parktown, Johannesburg, use the following details:

  • Region: Gauteng / Johannesburg
  • Address: Oakhurst Office Park, Ground Floor, Section 11, North Wing, No 11-13 St Andrews Road, Parktown, Johannesburg
  • Email:
  • Website:
  • Contacts: +27 (0)11 726 7752 /

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