van Niekerk and Jansen van Rensburg Attorneys in Hermanus

About van Niekerk and Jansen van Rensburg Attorneys in Hermanus, a legal practice firm.

About van Niekerk and Jansen van Rensburg Attorneys in Hermanus

van Niekerk and Jansen van Rensburg Attorneys in Hermanus is a great law firm which is based in Hermanus. Find all areas of specialisations that van Niekerk and Jansen van Rensburg Attorneys in Hermanus specialises on below:


van Niekerk and Jansen van Rensburg Attorneys in Hermanus specialises in the following areas:
Commercial, Company Registrations, Contracts, Conveyancing, Employment Law and Labour Matters (CCMA), Evictions, Labour Law, Liquor Law, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (High Court), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Road Accident Fund claim – RAF, Sale of Business, Wills



In order to contact van Niekerk and Jansen van Rensburg Attorneys in Hermanus, use the following details:

  • Region: Western Cape / Cape Town
  • Address: 50 Main Road, Hermanus
  • Email:
  • Website:
  • Contacts: 028 050 0118 /

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